n0thing editions

n0thing editions are a portable gallery of affordable art. Annually printed, 50 limited, hand numbered prints of original artwork in an unbound format.

editi0n III

edition III has original prints of photography, fine art and illustration from artists including Scarlett Cannon, Lia Clay, Andrei Codrescu, Samuel Farrier, Tom Scott, Juliana Sissons, Sheida Soleimani, Rob Unett and Carol Wiseman among many others. Purchase a copy here

editi0n II

edition II was released in poster format as a limited run of 50 hand numbered editions with original prints of photography, fine art and illustration from artists including Andrew Sedgwick Guth, Deborah Haywood, Jennifer Tull Westberg, Louise Gray, Norman Westberg, Rob Flowers, Rob Wilson, Roger & Mauricio Padilha of Mao PR and Tom Ormond among many others. Purchase a copy here

editi0n I

edition I launched as a limited run of 50 with original prints of photography, fine art and illustration from artists including Beverley Semmes (Carwash Collective), Colin McMaster, Helen Bullock, Neil Gilks, Petra Borner, Phoebe English, Rebecca Chamberlain, Ross Tibbles, Scott Ramsay Kyle among many others. Purchase a copy here

n0thing editions c0ntribut0rs/ credits

abigail lewis

adrienne white

alastair str0ng

alex stadler

anastasiia ch0rna

andrei c0drescu

andrew sedgwick guth

andy berner

asia werbel

beverly semmes

b0y harsher

camerin st0ldt

car0l wiseman

carwash c0llective

chris ratcliffe

chris simunek

christina zimpel

christ0pher aar0n blackm0n

c0lin mcmaster

dame barbara tayl0r bradf0rd 0be

daniel breret0n

daniel d’armas

daniel reyn0lds

davide ferraut0


dean sidaway

deb0rah hayw00d

electric di0nysus

emma reichenbach

fabul0us russella

faculty devel0pment fund 0f pratt institute

felix f0wler

francesca l0ng0

franklin benjamin elman

greene h0use studi0

gail evans

gi0rgi0 di sant’ angel0

gwen van den eijnde

helen bull0ck

jane francis

jennifer minniti

jennifer tull westberg

jill wignall

j0 simps0n

j0die ruffle

j0e z00k

j0hn bauernfeind

julia campbell-gillies

juliana siss0ns

kate wallace

kei takeda

kevin millins

kim st0ddard

lan nguyen-grealis

lia clay

l0la katan k0urak0

l0uise gray

l0well b0yers

luke anth0ny r00ney

lynea villan0va

matt enger

mariana vidal-escabi

mark palmen

maurici0 padilha

martin price

miguel villal0b0s

m0net vignet

m00n chang

ms white

natalie b0rn

nate b0zeman

neil gilks

nina katan

n0rman westberg

n0where bar

nude mannequins

0livia eat0n

00nagh 0’hagan

pars0ns fashi0n study c0llecti0n

paul petruccelli

petra b0rner

ph0ebe english

rachel lifter

raw! uncut! vide0!

rebecca chamberlain

r0b unett

r0bin m0llic0ne

r0ger padilha

r0b fl0wers

r0b wils0n

r0bin m0llic0ne

r0dney cuellar

r0ss tibbles

samuel farrier

sara idacavage

scarlett can0n

sc0tt ramsay kyle

se0na tayl0r bell

shann0n bell-price

sheida s0leimani



the family f0y

the living gallery 0utp0st


tim meara

tim0thy pakr0n

t0m 0rm0nd

t0m0mi mcmaster

t0m sc0tt

venetia blinze

waka adachi

y0han zerd0un