un|archive edition III
“…n0t with what cl0thes might be, but what they must be”. anne klein
ph0t0graphy lia clay
styling dean sidaway
m0del Ms White
cl0thing thr0ugh0ut by anne klein fr0m pars0ns fashi0n study c0llecti0n
un|archive edition II
liquid chic
ph0t0graphy lia clay
styling dean sidaway
m0del third
cl0thing thr0ugh0ut by pauline trigère fr0m pars0ns fashi0n study c0llecti0n
latex thr0ugh0ut by dawnamatrix
black sh0es thr0ugh0ut, stylists 0wn
The first 0f n0thing’s un|archive series for edition I
0h, 0h Gi0rgi0
ph0t0graphy lia clay
creative directi0n dean sidaway
m0del stevie
cl0thing thr0ugh0ut by gi0rgi0 di sant’ angel0 from pars0ns fashi0n study c0llecti0n
sneakers m0dels 0wn, earring stylists 0wn